Future-Proofing Your Nonprofit: Three-Part Series on Building Trust With Your Supporters

The nonprofit marketing landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, reshaping the way organizations connect with their audiences. Nonprofits must adapt their brand and digital approach to stay relevant and build meaningful relationships with their supporters.

Join us for a three-part webinar series where you'll gain insights from leading agencies on how to navigate this evolving environment and drive lasting support for your cause. Through targeted discussions on branding, data and technology, and paid media, you'll discover how to elevate your marketing approach and strengthen trust with your audiences.

  • Branding: Big Duck will guide you on how to create a strong and cohesive brand that resonates with your community, establishes a foundation of trust, and inspires action and engagement.
  • Data and Technology: Firefly Partners will discuss the importance of secure and privacy-compliant data management systems, as well as how AI-powered modeling can enhance personalization and efficiency.
  • Paid Media: Electric Symphony Media will teach you how to leverage paid media to amplify your message and reach the right audience effectively.

Register now to ensure your organization is equipped to thrive in this new era of marketing!

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Series Dates and Speakers:

Session 1 - Branding with Big Duck

Branding with Purpose: Crafting an Identity with Impact

Date: Tuesday July 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM ET

Session Description: A strong, cohesive brand is the foundation of meaningful connections and lasting loyalty with your audiences. Join Farra Trompeter, Co-Director and Worker-Owner of Big Duck, as she guides you through the essentials of building a purposeful brand that resonates deeply with your supporters. Explore strategies for aligning your brand messaging and visuals to reflect your vision, mission, and values. Gain insights on how to craft a compelling brand strategy and identity that are rooted in your community.


Farra TrompeterCo-Director and Worker-Owner
Big Duck

Session 2 - Data & Tech with Firefly Partners

Trust-First Tech: Building Relationships Through Data

Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM ET

Session Description: Data plays a pivotal role in connecting with your audience in a meaningful way. Join Firefly Partners as they delve into the essentials of developing a data strategy to help your nonprofit stay ahead in a rapidly changing landscape. In this session, we'll explore the importance of secure and privacy-compliant data management systems and how AI-powered technologies can enhance personalization and efficiency in your outreach efforts. Learn to foster genuine relationships with your supporters by leveraging the power of data.


Samin Pogoff VP of Tech and Strategy
Firefly Partners
Pamela TrzopMangaging Director
Firefly Partners

Session 3 - Paid Media with Electric Symphony Media

Amplify Your Message: Smart Strategies for Paid Media Success

Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM ET

Session Description: Paid media can boost your nonprofit's message and help you reach the right audience with precision and impact. Join Electric Symphony Media as they guide you on how to navigate market saturation and effectively utilize paid media to ensure your nonprofit's message reaches those who matter most. This session will focus on how to leverage AI technologies, shifts in digital privacy, and marketing automation tools to develop and activate dynamic advertising campaigns.


Dave Hassard Managing Partner
Electric Symphony Media
Aaron Shapiro Managing Partner
Electric Symphony Media
Ivaliese Chihimie Group Strategy Director
Electric Symphony Media